Freedom Within Restriction

The 1970s was a politically tumultuous year for the US. During this time, the country came across many movements occurring at the same time. People were fighting and finding freedom within a set of restrictions set by the government. The pants created for this project were inspired by the ethos of the people in this decade. Some of the major movements are the Women's Rights movement and the Anti-War movement, served as inspirations for the design choices of the pants.

At the same time, there was the Anti-War movement for the Vietnam War. Rallies and protests increased as more people support the movement. Casualties happened as a result. The Pentagon's Paper was published describing how President Richard Nixon prolonged the war because he knew the US could not win. Immediately followed was the Watergate Scandal, which increased the distrust from the people towards the government. Consequently, many citizens withdrew from politics altogether. They shifted to "pop culture" and used their hard-fought freedom simply to wear what they wanted and do as they pleased. Their liberation was something very personal to them.
During this decade, the Women’s Rights movement made Congress approve the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. This alarmed many conservatives activists, which caused them to mobilize against the approval of the Amendment and eventually defeated it. The result of this caused many women’s rights activists to turn away from politics and begin building feminist communities and organizations of their own, including art galleries, consciousness-raising groups, daycare, women’s health collectives, rape crisis centres and abortion clinics.

Similarly, people nowadays use clothing as a political and personal statement. People in the 70s wished to withdraw from politics due to multiple events and tried to live life to the fullest. The pants designed for this project mirror the act of enjoyment of freedom within restrictions, including the popular silhouette of the bell-bottom pants of the 70s. The sheer mesh fabric and ribbon wrapped around the pants symbolized the restrictions and setbacks fought from the movements. The chosen silk fabric and colours, which were not commonly used in the 70s, reflect the rebellious nature of the people. As a symbol of people withdrawing from politics and enjoying their freedom, the upper part of the pants is constructed tighter, sewn with a tied belt, contrasted to the less restrictive bottom to allow more movement. Ultimately, the pants created for this project were not only inspired by the ethos, but also the energy and spirit of the people evoked by the government of this decade.
Modelled by Ada Chen
Photographed by Javi Tabares
Source: “The 1970s.” History, A&E Television Networks, 30 July 2010,